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Winners of my three most recent giveaways: Rimmel, Fragrance, BioBliss

Hello, Beautiful!

I finally had some time to go through and select the winners for three of my most recent giveaways:

Thank you to everyone who entered, and sorry for the delay in getting this posted, but as most of you know my father passed away and I've been having a really hard time getting caught up with my blog. It's taking me longer than I thought to get back on track.

Anyway, without further ado, here are the winners....

Deborah K. M.
June L.
Justina M.
Nicole T.
Jazzy W.

Rosie A.

BioBliss Samples - 1 Winner
Chasity S.

All winners have been sent an email from me and have until July 31, 2013 to reply. If they don't reply in time a new winner will be selected in their place. All winners chosen using Random.org. 

Thank you again to everyone who entered! Stay tuned for more giveaways!

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