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I think these recap posts get better stats than all my others! :)

I’m doing this a little early this week because I’m flying to the Malice Domestic conference today and won’t likely have time to compile these while I’m gone.

I’ll also probably not be good this weekend at answering comments on my blog and visiting others’ blogs. I’m looking forward to a return to normalcy next week!

2 years, 3 manuscripts, and 50 rejections--anatomy of an agent search: http://dld.bz/bExN

What should be do with our bookmarks? Some marketing ideas: http://dld.bz/bEUv

The dialect dilemma: http://dld.bz/bEm9

Dorian Gray's true picture of Oscar Wilde (Guardian): http://dld.bz/bEyb

On building a publishing house: http://dld.bz/bEm2

World building is not just a genre issue: http://dld.bz/bEkM

How NOT to make your characters real: http://dld.bz/bEka

Corporate English: http://dld.bz/b8ND

How to read a publishing contract (part 7): http://dld.bz/b8Np

Examples of why show is better than tell: http://dld.bz/b8MR

The life of a commercial fiction author: http://dld.bz/bBCT

Writing humor: http://dld.bz/bBCJ

Tips for hitting the NY Times Bestseller list (GalleyCat): http://dld.bz/bBC4

Do blurbs matter? http://dld.bz/b8MB

Tips on building suspense: http://dld.bz/bAMd

Harnessing Shadow: A Writer's Way to Overcome Shortcomings: http://dld.bz/b8Mn

Ingredients of a great crit partner: http://dld.bz/bAHr @RoniGriffin

Publishers should learn fearlessness: http://dld.bz/b8KX

Writing about a life or social issue? Do it justice: http://dld.bz/bAFn

Tips and links to help with plotting: http://dld.bz/bAK5

WordPress permalinks 101: http://dld.bz/b8KN

Style guideline--rules on writing numbers: http://dld.bz/bAEU

Nancy Drew turns 80 (GalleyCat): http://dld.bz/bAEJ

Author pitch tips: http://dld.bz/b8K9

The books powerful women love (Daily Beast): http://dld.bz/b8Ks

Carve out satisfaction instead of pursuing cut-throat success: http://dld.bz/b8Kh

Tips on pacing from the Pike's Peak writing conference: http://dld.bz/bAfw

He had blond hair and blue eyes you could lose yourself in for days… and other stereotypical crap: http://dld.bz/b8Kh

10 musts of personal branding: http://dld.bz/b8JX

The dark appeal of the short story (LA Times): http://dld.bz/b9uN

The dangers of onomatopoeia: http://dld.bz/b9u2

How writers can get more out of Twitter: http://dld.bz/b8JM

Running and Writing: Focus, Endurance and More-- http://dld.bz/b9kX

An agent says that writing is a lifestyle, not just an activity: http://dld.bz/b8JE

An agent on passing manuscripts to other agents in the agency: http://dld.bz/b8Hp

Disclaimers for book endings: http://dld.bz/b3YX

3 ways to find an agent via Twitter: http://dld.bz/b2Uk

Branding for multi-genre writing: http://dld.bz/b2TT

The components of a solid pitch for a memoir or how-to: http://dld.bz/b2TQ

To critique or not to critique: http://dld.bz/b2T4

After Loss, Turning To Poetry For Grief And Healing (NPR): http://dld.bz/b4cn

An agent on starting your career as a writer: http://dld.bz/b2Tz

10 steps to writing...or not writing. http://dld.bz/b5ky

How quitting can help you finish your writing: http://dld.bz/b4bB

Dialogue that matters: http://dld.bz/b2Tg

You don't need time to write--you need space: http://dld.bz/b4bv

How to support an author: http://dld.bz/b4bh

The great myth about publishing: http://dld.bz/b4aV

How to get your privacy back from Facebook: http://dld.bz/b2SX

Character is destiny: The Edward/Bella dilemma-- http://dld.bz/b2SS @msforster

A couple who started a publishing company in Nigeria--feeding the African imagination: http://dld.bz/b2Uy

10 ways to keep your prose strong and simple: http://dld.bz/b3F6

Do you have a security manuscript? http://dld.bz/b3Fr

The shrunken manuscript method of revision: http://dld.bz/byzJ

Some insights on querying: http://dld.bz/byRE

An agent on rejection: http://dld.bz/bywQ

What made Twain famous (Daily Beast) : http://dld.bz/b2SE

Thoughts and tips on plotting and outlining: http://dld.bz/byuW

An editor advises going to the heart of the revision instead of following advice to the letter: http://dld.bz/byuA

When business is personal--using Facebook's privacy settings: http://dld.bz/byRY

Auditioning characters: http://dld.bz/bwXe

Why start a website or blog if you have nothing to promote? (Writer's Digest) http://dld.bz/bwWN

How Amazon's Pricing Affects Author and Publisher Profits http://dld.bz/bwWG

How does theory of mind relate to creating believable characters? http://bit.ly/dhYeet @p2p_editor

World building in urban fantasy: http://dld.bz/bvGn

The No. 1 grammar trap and how to avoid falling in: http://dld.bz/bvJs

Telltale signs of a bookaholic: http://dld.bz/buSf

Michael Ignatieff and the imperfect world of book blurbs (Globe and Mail) http://dld.bz/buRE

How writing a novel is similar to taking care of a newborn: http://dld.bz/buRc

Great series on plotting: http://dld.bz/buPR

Memoirs Require More Than Just Facts (Huff Post): http://dld.bz/buPK

An editor on coincidences in our book (avoiding them): http://dld.bz/buPB

Book bloggers behaving badly--the unforgivable book blogging sin: http://dld.bz/bwWq

Free software apps for writers: http://dld.bz/bvGt

Do readers want to learn trivia or useful info in novels? Should novelists consider including such info? http://dld.bz/bwrh

Do unpublished books need trailers? http://dld.bz/buPm

The Holy Grail of focus for writers: http://dld.bz/buPg

Setting up the tension in your book: http://dld.bz/bvFK

A guide to creative visualization: http://dld.bz/buNQ

Establishing mood: http://dld.bz/bvth @MermaidHel

Garden therapy for writers: http://dld.bz/buNz

What an agent does: http://dld.bz/buMG

Does your agent have to love your book? http://dld.bz/buSm

Why Digitization and E-books are Good for Literacy : http://dld.bz/buMB

Understanding screenwriting (with examples from film): http://dld.bz/buQD

Writer's Envy--what to do when you're feeling green about a friend's success: http://dld.bz/buM9

Writing the cozy mystery--keeping it delightful: http://dld.bz/bsXe

Top Ten Things Authors Should NEVER Do To Promote Their Book: http://dld.bz/bta6

An agent says to be (slightly) afraid of posting your work online: http://dld.bz/bsYx

How to write powerful paragraphs: http://dld.bz/bsXh

The Procrastinator’s Guide to Writing That Thing You Need to Write-- http://dld.bz/bsXc

How to write about life, the universe and everything (What's your book *about*?) http://bit.ly/byIRSS

Write a how-to book--cookie cutter writing: http://dld.bz/brpC

Blockbuster movies and bestsellers--what do they have in common? http://dld.bz/brpp

Mystery writers--a guide to crime scene investigations: http://dld.bz/bq2T via @micheleemrath

The ethicist's blessing of e-piracy revisited...with the same result: http://dld.bz/bq2h

Back up your data: http://dld.bz/bqzj

If we make life simple, can we write more? 95 posts on simple living: http://dld.bz/bq22

The difference between a 'bad' book and one someone just didn't like: http://dld.bz/bqyB

How to find online writing markets and write for the web: http://dld.bz/bqy3

Putting emotion into your characters: http://dld.bz/bqyx

10 ways to write skinny sentences: http://dld.bz/bq3g @KMWeiland

A quick guide to ISBNs for the self-published: http://dld.bz/brqe

Why translators deserve some credit: http://dld.bz/bqxZ

Parents must let kids choose what they read (Guardian): http://dld.bz/bqxB

The truth about some crime fiction myths: http://dld.bz/bqF2

What are your rules for reading? (Chicago Tribune): http://dld.bz/bqwF

Suspension of disbelief--getting readers to believe the magic in your fantasy or SF: http://dld.bz/bq9B

The Roots of Steampunk--. http://bit.ly/bmlwDX

Death to prologues? http://dld.bz/bqw8

A writer's life--permission to take a break: http://dld.bz/bk5j

Working at home isn't home anymore: http://dld.bz/bk4X

Why men don't read--how publishing is alienating half the population (Huff Post) : http://dld.bz/bk5q

101 uses for a failed author: http://dld.bz/bk4E

YA novelists send tweets back to their high school selves (Publishers Weekly): http://dld.bz/bk4C

When poets became monsters (Telegraph) : http://dld.bz/bk4e

How not to hook an agent: http://bit.ly/daxjxo

7 paranoid provocations on Ebooks: http://oreil.ly/duI11Z

Revisions--Cutting Words: http://bit.ly/aO6nHs

A historian confesses to writing the Amazon poison pen reviews (Guardian) : http://bit.ly/9YVqMX

Trying to figure out how to write the 'first act' of your novel? This analysis of "The Matrix" might help: http://bit.ly/cRzJO0

To blog or not to blog? http://bit.ly/9S1Bfc

How to find an agent (when you're self-published): http://bit.ly/d0ufcO

Plot points for mystery writers: http://bit.ly/91b7SK

The 4 paragraph approach to writing cover letters: http://bit.ly/bhZYGI

Necessary arts that writers must master: http://bit.ly/bbZVZA

Stop lying about the way your characters lie (tips on lying) : http://bit.ly/9IecSt

Negotiating with the idea fairy: http://bit.ly/cqeB7n

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