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Neighbours charity

Neighbours Charity

The girls from Neighbours always were ready to take the time to give back to their community and to try and help worthy causes wherever they could. The girls were asked as a group if they would be willing to appear at an event that would benefit people suffering from a serious disease. Of course, when approached they were all two happy to appear. They were a little less sure when they were asked if they would be willing to allow themselves to take a messing at the hands of some of the people effected by the disease. At the end of the day, it would have been hard to say no. These individuals had been very brave and had gone through hell. If it was a part of their fantasy to slime a cast member from Neighbours then the ladies would have to bite the bullet and take it on the chin. It was a very small gesture to these people who had suffered and the ladies were willing to do it. Three out of the five had either gotten slimed or pied before anyway and had not really minded it very much, so this would be ok. They would look terrible if they refused to take part as well.

The women selected were Eliza Taylor Cotter, Natalie Saleeba, Stephanie McIntosh, Pippa Black and Delta Goodrem. On the evening each was dressed in a short black skirt and a smart shirt. Each of their shirts was the same but in a different colour. The event was similar to the Pride of Britain awards, it honoured those who had survived this particular disease and was making the wishes of those with it come true. It was a full event. The stories of some of the victims were told and shown in VT packages. The person was then brought out and given something that they had always dreamed of. Some were given trips, concert tickets, some had their house remodelled, one was given a car, some got to meet celebrities. Five of them had a dream to get a celebrity messy. That is where the ladies from Neighbours came in. A few of them were a little nervous about what would happen, but being in a group with their mates helped to relieve the jitters.

The host of the event, who was a n Australian celebrity himself came to the part of the show when it was time to announce the ladies. “Next, we are happy to welcome five young ladies from Australia’s number one soap, Neighbours. Please welcome, Eliza, Stephanie, Pippa, Natalie and Delta.” The crowd cheered as the five entered together one following the other. They smiled and waived. “Well guys thanks for being here,” the host said. “It’s our pleasure to do our part for such a worthy cause,” Delta said. “I guess I have to explain to everyone the roll that you girls will be playing this evening. Five very brave young people are here this evening and we want to make their fondest wishes come true, because they deserve it. They have been through so much. The five of you are going to help us to make that dream come true. Is that ok with you?” “It is wonderful,” Delta said. “Well, as odd as it sounds the dream of these young people is to mess up a celebrity. Slime and pies, all that sort of thing.” The crowd laughed. “We thought, that you five might be up for a good messing,” he said. “Sure whatever they would like,” Delta said. “You are such good sports. There are five of you and five of them so that is just perfect,” he said.

He then welcomed the young people to the stage. The Neighbours girls shook their hands and welcomed them to the stage. “Ok, so we need to move the ladies from Neighbours into position. If you all line up this way about two feet a part side by side.” They did as they were asked standing in position. “Now, I need you five to each pick a Neighbours girl each. If you can stand across from them. They will be your partner for the evening,” he instructed. They deliberated between themselves and then each stood across from the person they most wanted to mess. He then went down the line and asked why they had chosen the person that they had. The lady who selected Delta said that she chose her because she was a big star and famous singer. The young woman who picked Pippa said that it was because of the role she played on Neighbours. She was a bit of a cow and really deserved a mess. The young man who picked Eliza said that it was because he thought she was the sexiest. The young man who chose Stephanie said that he had just always wanted to pie Stephanie McIntosh. The young man who picked Natalie said that he chose her because he admired her bum. Natalie laughed. Delta said thank you. Pippa said that she was not really like that, it was just a part she played. Eliza just blushed. Stephanie said, “Gee, thanks a lot,” and laughed.

“Ok,” the host said,” What we need right now is for the Neighbours girls to please get down on your knees. There are cushions for your to kneel on.” They all kneeled down, adjusting their skirts. He then instructed them to place their hands behind their backs. They all did as they were instructed. They were getting a bit nervous now about what was going to be happening to them. The others just laughed and looked very excited. “Ok, can we please bring out the pies,” the host said. The crowd gasped and the girl laughed as five pies were brought out on stage. One pie was handed to each of the young people that stood across from the Neighbours girls. They tried to prepare themselves as best they could for what was about to happen. The young people were delighted as they were each handed a pie. “This is going to be embarrassing”, Natalie said to her friends. They looked at each other as if to say, “Oh my god, we are about to get nailed.” Their partners now walked closer to them carrying their pies. Some of them begged them not to this to them.

“Ok everyone,” the host said,” When you are given the signal, let them have it. It is pie time on Ramsey Street.” The girls laughed and then grimaced. They closed their eyes and waited for the moment of impact to arrive. Delta was the first to get it. Her partner pulled back and thrust the pie straight into her face. She twisted it around. Delta could do nothing but close her eyes and take it as the pie was twisted in her face. When it was pulled away, Delta was revealed with a serious look on her face. She then stuck out her tongue and laughed. Her face was peppered with bits of creamy pie. Pieces of pie fell down her flowing blonde hair. Almost simultaneously a Eliza Taylor Cotter’s partner was relishing the moment as he sensually rubbed a pie around in Eliza’s face. She was already blushing bright red. She could feel the creamy pie on her face and falling down her sweet smooth body. Her face too was decorated in pie. When the tin was removed she licked the top of her lips and ate a large blob of the cream that came from underneath her nose. Stephanie McIntosh screamed with her mouth wide open as her pie was pushed into her face. It landed with a thud. Her scream was muffled by the creamy pie that enveloped her face and mouth. She ended up with a mouthful of cream for her troubles, which she had to delicately spit out. The pie made a halo effect around her face and chin. Pie dripped down her face. Pippa Black was almost bowled over from the impact as she was pied. The cheese like pie hit her face with an amount of force that sent bits of it flying in all directions. She pulled back a bit and the tin fell. She looked amazing as her creamed face was revealed. Bits of were expunged from her nostrils. The white fluffy cream looked amazing next to her strawberry blonde hair. She frowned deeply. She looked even more funny because she tried to look dignified despite the fact that her face was covered in creamy pie. Natalie Saleeba was repeatedly teased with the pie. Her partner kept acting as if they were going to pie her, but then pulling away at the last moment and laughing at Natalie as she flinched. She bit her lip as the pie was eventually push in her face. Her face was the perfect size and shape for the pie. It seemed to fit like a glove. When the pie was pulled away. She gave a defeated look and pretended as if she was about to cry. Her partner pointed and laughed at her, her whole face covered in pie. When the dust cleared the five Neighbours girls sat side by side on their knees, totally pied. They looked around at each other shook their heads and laughed. The others celebrated.

By this time, five buckets were already being brought out on stage. Each of the young people were allowed to chose one of the buckets. The host told everyone that the contents of the buckets would be poured over the Neighbours girls’ heads. The young people were then directed to stand behind their partner. The Neighbours girls were asked to line up facing the audience, but to stay in the position that they were currently in. Of course, the topic on everyone’s mind was exactly what was in those buckets. It could be nothing pleasant, that was for sure. “What made us agree to this?,” Natalie joked. Each one of them was in for it now. It was all for charity of course so there was no backing out. The order was going to be the same this time. Again they were going to get the mess poured on them one after another in short succession.

Delta was going to be the first one to get it. Her bucket was filled with bright yellow gunge. All the buckets had gunge of different colours. Delta looked up at her master for the day. “Please don’t do this,” she laughed and begged her. The girl said,” You are going to get it. I am going to love this.” She lifted the bucket as Delta closed her eyes and squirmed. The gunge was thick and yellow like mustard. Delta begged her off, pleading with her not to do it. The girl shook her head. “Sorry,” she said sarcastically. She lifted the bucket and then carefully began to dump the thick gunge over Delta’s head. Delta screamed as the thick mess was directed at the centre of her head. It poured down the middle of her head and down the front of her face first. It then began to cover the entirety of her head, pouring onto her thick, layered blonde hair. It clung to it and mixed with it at first before entirely overwhelming her hair. Delta grimaced. The gunge poured onto and stuck to her main facial features first, sticking to her nose, cheeks, chin, lips and forehead first. As the flow became thicker and faster, Delta shut her eyes as it poured over her whole face. She stuck her hands out before her, catching some of the gunge as it fell. She wiggled her hands about, shaking off some of the gunge. The girl laughed as she poured the gunge over Delta. As the flow stopped, Delta took her hands and cleared her eyes, shaking off some of the excess gunge. She then put both hands through her layered hair on each side. She ran her fingers through , takes some gunge as she went. When she got to the end, she flicked off some of the gunge from the ends. She held her hands out in front of her, opened her mouth and gave an overwhelmed laugh that seemed to say,” I can’t believe this, I am totally covered in this stuff” The coverage was one hundred times better than the sliming she took on television previously. Hardly any slime had managed to get onto her face that time.

It was Eliza Taylor Cotter’s turn to face the gunge next. The young man carried his bucket over and stood behind Eliza. The others did the same now, behind their partner. The gunge in his bucket was light blue. It was lovely, thick, smooth gunge. Eliza was very nervous about this. She had never experienced anything like this before. She was red with embarrassment and anticipation. She was perspiring. She looked blankly ahead and awaited what was about to fall onto her head. The young man held the bucket about an inch above Eliza’s head. He wanted to ensure that not one bit missed its intended target. When the gunge finally hit her, Eliza’s body, involuntarily squeezed forward from the impact slightly. She closed her eyes as the blanket of velvety thick baby blue mess oozed over her. The young man poured the gunge perfectly. It flowed down over Eliza’s beautiful freckle covered face. Her entire head was entrenched in the thickness of the blanket of gunge. It poured down her shoulders and breasts, all over her perfect body. From her waist upwards, she was soon covered, almost completely in the enormity of the gunge. She nearly gagged from the gunge that had made its way into her mouth. When it was all over she almost looked like a blue ghost, because she was covered in a sheet of gunge. She showed almost no emotion outwardly, but she was dying of embarrassment on the inside. Under the gunge it was hard to see that she was bright red with humiliation. It was a near perfect gunging though on a young woman who, physically, was nearly the perfect woman with perfect hair and a perfect body.

Stephanie McIntosh was the next one to face the gunge. She had been slimed before as well, and had handled it reasonably well. She looked behind her and pointed at her partner. “I hope you appreciate this,” she teased. “ The things that I do for charity.” She laughed. Out of the five, she was probably the one who was most up for this. She closed her eyes and laughed. “get on with it then,” she teased. The gunge that was in her bucket was light purple. It was just as velvety thick as the others had gotten poured on them. By this point, Pippa and Natalie looked very uncomfortable. It was squeaky bum time for Pippa. She looked like was really shitting herself about this. Meanwhile, Stephanie’s partner raised the bucket. Stephanie felt him do so. She looked upwards. As she did, he quickly flipped the bucket over, sending a deluge of light purple gunge downwards onto Stephanie’s face. In an instant, her face and thick blonde hair was an unrecognisable mound of messy purple gunge. Her mouth fell open with a sort of half laugh half scream. Her head lurched quickly forward and then back again. Gunge went in all directions. Her hair was matted in the gunge. She did not know how to begin to deal with gunge. It was not uniform the way it had been for the others, it was all over her. Her hair was a total mess, in all directions. “I love the colour,” she joked. “How do I look,” she asked as she posed. The young man placed the bucket over her head for a second and decided to just leave it there for now. She waived from underneath the bucket. It was obvious that she was the most wild of the girls in many ways.

Next it was Pippa Black’s turn. It was a moment that she had not been looking forward to at all. She had been pied before, but it was nothing compared to what was about to come her way. She looked incredibly uncomfortable. She clearly did not want this to happen, but she was in no position to protest. The lady who was going to be doing the pouring, was clearly not going to have any sympathy on her either. She was enjoying every minute of this. Getting to gunge a celebrity like this from her favourite tv show was something that she had always wanted to do. This time the gunge was a dark orange, almost red colour. Pippa’s instinct was to beg for mercy, but she knew that it would be no use, so she would not bother. She just looked forward and tried to keep her dignity in tact as best she could. This was going to be embarrassing to say the least. It didn’t help matters that her partner was loving every minute of this and making the most of it. She played to the crowd. Everyone was chanting for the gunge. Pippa could not hide the look of anger and disgust from her face. She looked pissed off. Why did they have to rub it in? “ What’s with that look? She looks like she is constipated or something,“ the woman teased. Pippa fumed with anger She looked forward and downward, shutting her eyes. Finally, the woman raised the bucket and began to slowly pour the gunge over Pippa’s head. Pippa moaned as the gunge hit her full force. The woman was going enjoy every minute of this. The mess was thick and gloppy. Large globs plopped onto Pippa’s face and hair. There was no way for her to defend against it. Her sexy skin was tinged in the orange sloppy mess. Pippa mouthed the words. “This is disgusting” Her strawberry blonde hair and pale freckled skin were now slowly being covered in thick gunge. The woman took her time as she slowly poured the gunge back and forth all over Pippa’s body. She somehow managed to get it nearly everywhere. Pippa’s face dripped in gunge. It fell from her nose. I dollop dangled from the tip of her nose. Her cheeks were covered in it. For some reason her gunge stunk as well. Her clothes and body were almost covered in a lot of places with disgusting gunge. “This stinks,” she said. All she could really do was frown. The woman pointed at her and laughed. She posed for some photos as well. She wanted to ensure that there would be loads of pictures and videos of her getting to gunge Pippa Black.

Finally, it was Natalie Saleeba’s turn. She had been very embarrassed when her backside was mentioned earlier, but that was nothing compared to what was about to happen to her. The gunge that was awaiting her was brown She looked down the line at her four fellow actresses. She knew what was about to come her way. She was the eldest of the actresses. She knew what would be facing them on Monday back at work as well. “Please don’t do this,” she begged in a joking manner. She was shown the contents of the bucket. “That looks pretty disgusting,” she said,” It’s going to be all over me as well isn’t it?,” she asked. “Not good,” she joked. The man standing above her was going to be enjoying this very much. She knew that he had been looking at her and admiring her this whole time. She knew that he was going to love doing this to her. Then she remembered what the people doing the pouring had been through. If pouring gunge on her gave them some enjoyment then it was a small price to pay. She didn’t even mind him checking her out a bit. She smiled as he began to pour the brown mess over her head. She laughed and gritted her teeth and brown gunge was poured onto her face. Her nose, mouth and eyes were instantly covered in an avalanche of thick brown lumpy gunge. Her beautiful, slightly chubby face was now being covered in disgusting brown gunge. She laughed as it continued to pour down her. Gravity took some gunge down her body. Her chin and cheeks were completely covered in the messy slop. The man then moved the bucket and poured gunge down Natalie’s back. He made sure to pour it all over her rear end and down onto the backs of her legs. He was enjoying pouring mess onto her sexy body. Everyone was now laughing at her. “Why did I have to get the brown?,” she exclaimed. The man stood back and admired his work. Natalie Saleeba covered in brown gunge was a fantastic sight. Her face was a splattered mess of thick brown gunge. She wiped some from her shirt. She put her tongue out to the side of her mouth and shook her head. She just laughed at herself.

As Natalie was gunged the Neighbours theme was played. All five of the women were then invited to stand up as the song played. They were told to stand together to have a group photo done. The sound of “That’s when good neighbours become good friends” echoed as the five stood together, all dripping in their gunge.

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