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48 Hours Mystery

Last night covered the re-opening of the Natalie Wood investigation in a special episode meant to run later, but was moved up to take advantage of the publicity.

They also covered the Johnny Stompanato murder. Really, nothing new, all the same old shit rehashed. I did think it was interesting a lot of people (including Dummy's hairdresser, who claims Dummy told him herself that she, not her jailbait daughter, knifed her lover) still think Lana was responsible. I've always thought it, because she was a sneak.

Probably an unpopular position, but I feel sorry for Stompanato. Sure, he was a hood and one-time bodyguard of mobster Mickey Cohen, and probably did smack her around -- if I'd had to listen to that mewing dummy-speak hours on end, I probably would have taken a swing at her, too -- but really, who deserves dying like a stuck pig on her bedroom floor? Dummy should have found a more appropriate playmate; if you sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas. And with all the power wielded by studios in general (and murderous MGM manager Eddie Mannix,) you can't tell me Lanita couldn't have taken other steps to rid herself of him.

If she'd spent a fraction of the drama she did in real life on any one of her films, she might have been a good actress. But she didn't, and wasn't.

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