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The story meme virus is spreading and I am its next victim

So I was tagged for the story meme by two different people, BAC and DCup, that Splotchy created. So I borrowed from the playbook of one Mathman and I have combined them. I think it works and so I am going to take it from this combination as I really do not want to try an create two different stories, I am not that good a creative writer. I have decided to tag, Gourmet Goddess, Sir Robin, Whiskey Marie, Dr. Monkerstein, and Cap'n Dyke. I am sure most it not all of you have already been tagged for this honor of working on this story, but here is another opportunity to do it again and maybe with a whole 'nother twist. I also didn't think I could think of anyone who had not yet been tagged.

I woke up hungry. I pulled my bedroom curtain to the side and looked out on a hazy morning. I dragged myself into the kitchen, in search of something to eat. I reached for a jar of applesauce sitting next to the sink, and found it very cold to the touch. I opened the jar and realized it was frozen. (Splotchy)

"That's strange," I said out loud to no one in particular. My fingers slowly reached towards the jar again. My body experienced a wave of apprehension as weighted blanket covering me as I did so. The jar was completely frozen.

I picked it up and stared at it, my fingers stung with little knives of chill. "What the..." again I spoke aloud. Then I realized what had happened with a shock. Suddenly the jar flew from my hand. It shattered creating a collage-like mixture of frozen applesauce and glass shards on my kitchen floor, the lid lazily rolling to a stop across the room.(FranIam)

I stood for a moment considering what all this meant. Oh, I knew what it meant, I didn’t need to waste time thinking about it. He was back. And he was mad.

I ran down the hallway and flung open the door at the end. I was immediately hit with a blast of cold. I took a step back as I tried to catch my breath. I bent over, hands on my knees panting. He always had this remarkable effect on me. After so much time, it no longer scared me, but it was a shock nonetheless……

“You know,” I panted, “There’s no need to break things to get my attention.” (DCup)

I half noticed at first glimpse that there was something odd amidst the solidified apple sauce as I reached for the broom and the dust pan. As I knelt down to clean up the frozen mess, I could clearly see a tiny figure within the goopy mess. It was a human eye, with tiny arms and legs! I resisted my initial urge to pick it up with my hand, and then reached down to scoop it up with the dustpan. The eye looked up at me in horror and gave out a frightening high pitched screech as it ran for the living room.

I was dumbfounded by this turn of events. I didn't even like applesauce - And I had guests coming for dinner! It would not be proper to have a homunculus eyeball running around during the appetizer - I had to think fast. I crept into the living room so as to not startle the small creature. The eyeball was under the coffee table, peeking out from behind one of table legs. When I approached, it quickly darted under the couch!

I got on my hands and knees to look under the couch, but I could not see the eye through all of the old newspapers and dust bunnies that had accumulated under there. I had to hurry! the guests were coming at seven o'clock, and I had not even started the buffalo chicken skewers with blue cheese dipping sauce yet! Not to mention the couscous and the broccoli noodle salad. (Zaius Nation)

Then it suddenly dawned on me, "this is why I have dogs ... to protect me from unwanted creatures roaming around my house." And where were those lazy bums anyway?

Not wanting to further startle the little eye I softly called to them. "Bart, Bella ... come here, I've got something to show you!"

The clicking of their nails against the hardwood floor signaled they were on their way. They love a challenge, and particularly like it when I'm on the floor with them.

Not saying a word, I pointed under the couch and waited for their response. Bart, being ADD, spotted the eye immediately, and was sure it was one of his toys that he's so fond of playing with. He tried to scoot under the couch to retrieve it, but to no avail. He couldn't reach it with his paw since dachshunds have such sort legs. Poor little guy, two inches just wasn't enough. This was a job for Super Bella!

You see, Bella is a miniature schnauzer ... with long beautiful legs. It took only one swipe and Bella had the eye out from under the couch and rolling across the living room floor. That's all Bart needed ... he was off to the races! The eye, sensing impending doom quickly reacted. (Yikes!)

The eye took off at a full sprint across the floor of my living room, but he was no match for Bella and Bart. Bart quickly caught him and threw him up into the air like he does with all of his toys. After I allowed Bart to toss him around a bit, I knew I needed to stop him from hurting the eye too badly, as I needed to talk to it. I called Bart over and although I was still scared to touch the eye, I know that I was running out of time before the guests got there. The whole idea of making dinner had started to go out the window, but I was still hopeful that at least I would be able to get the answers I needed before the others got to my house. I needed to know what had happened to my dear, sweet Charlotte that fateful day five years ago and I knew that the eye was the key to this mystery.

The eye said that Hrothgar had her and that I would need to enter the eighth dimension if I wanted to see her. (Boxer Rebellion)

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