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Why Democrats are in trouble

The Chicago Sun Times reported that with 98.9% of precincts reporting, results for the Democratic primary for District 6 -- a seat held for 32 years by retiring Rep. Henry Hyde -- were as follows:

Christine Cegelis 12,939 40.4%
Lindy Scott 5,038 15.7%
Tammy Duckworth 14,019 43.8%

The paper went on to say: "In his last campaign, conservative icon Hyde got the race of his career from [Christine] Cegelis. The political newcomer took 44.5 percent of the vote. Along the way, Cegelis picked up a devoted cadre.

"But this time, [Senator Dick] Durbin and Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) tapped [Tammy] Duckworth to run. Emanuel chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fund-raising arm for congressional candidates.

"Duckworth made the most of Durbin's and Emanuel's support, raising over $800,000, more than twice the sum raised by Cegelis, her nearest fund-raising competitor. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) cut a TV commercial for her. And Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) raised money for her.

Resentment over national push

"But some Democrats in the 6th District, which covers a large chunk of DuPage County and a smaller portion of Cook, expressed resentment at the way national leaders pushed Duckworth into the race. Duckworth lives in Hoffman Estates, about three miles outside the district.

"While Duckworth's campaign relied on TV ads, mailings and automated phone calls, the Cegelis team poured its efforts into canvassing. On Tuesday, some 260 volunteers went door-to-door in targeted areas, Spidel said. "

Just imagine how well Cegelis could have done with support from her party? Imagine how much money she could have in the bank right now for the fall campaign if Democrats had simply supported her!

Tammy Duckworth served her country honorably in Iraq, and lost both legs in the process. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committtee seemed to think that a veteran would have a better chance of winning. Have they completely forgotten what happened to war hero and veteran Max Cleland? Under Karl Rove's leadership the Republicans were able to get voters in Georgia to question whether or not Clelend would be tough on terrorists!!

Cegelis has the kind of grassroots support Democrats should be nurturing ... not running away from.

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