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The Britons are coming

Another 2 units for my Ancient Britons. Just 8 more warriors to paint for the last mob. First up is a unit of fanatics. These are from Newline. Quick to paint up all that flesh. I kept the tattoos to simple blue swirls. The shields were hand painted as I didn't have any transfer to fit.

I also completed a second unit of Tribal slingers, just in case I needed them. Again these are also from Newline. I took advantage of their recent sale.

Lastly was a few spare figures, one will act as a champion. I added one to a base to act as a deployment point. The last figure will get mixed into the last group of warriors.

So the whole force so far consists of the following.

2 units of nobles with chariots, 4 units of warriors/levy, 1 unit of Tribal cavalry, 2 units of slingers and the fanatics.

So just the last unit of warriors to complete, then if I add to units of mounted nobles and a unit of archers I will have all the options for both Britons and Gauls.

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